Inpatient Rehab Centers

how long does morphine stay in your system

How Long does Morphine Stay in your System

Morphine is a strong opioid that can be used for moderating severe pain; however, it is very addictive and people can develop a dependence on it. If you are interested in detoxification or in search of treatment for dependence on morphine, it is crucial to comprehend the answer to the question, “How long does morphine stay in your system?” Due to the fact that more than 27 million people in the world are suffering from opioid addiction, the World Health Organization has stated that dependence on opioids is a major issue. This goes a long way in explaining why it is necessary to look for a solution to this problem. In this article, you will find the answer to the question of how long morphine stays in the system, factors affecting this process, and why it is crucial to consult a qualified professional.

If you or your loved one is suffering from morphine addiction, then it is high time to seek help. Please do not hesitate to contact the staff of our inpatient rehabilitation facility for more information and help concerning the process of your rehabilitation.

Duration of Morphine Stay in Your System

  • How Long Does Morphine Stay in Your Urine?

Morphine can be found in urine for up to 72 hours after the last dose of the drug has been administered. This is the most common method of drug testing since urine tests are not invasive and provide a relatively accurate time frame of drug use. However, this detection window changes based on factors such as the amount of morphine taken and frequency of use.

  • How Long Does Morphine Stay in Your Blood?

In the bloodstream, morphine is generally found to remain for a period of 12 hours after consumption. Blood tests are not as popular as urine tests for drug testing, but they are used in medical settings to identify whether a person is currently intoxicated. Morphine is metabolized quite rapidly in the body and therefore the detection time in blood is quite small.

  • How Long Does Morphine Stay in Your Hair?

It is also important to note that hair follicle tests can identify morphine for as long as 90 days after its consumption. This method is used to determine the use of drugs for a longer period because substances are retained in hair for a longer time as compared to urine or blood. Hair tests are also used but are less common since they are expensive and take longer time to produce results especially in cases of detecting long term use of the substance in question.

Are you ready to take the first step and start a journey toward recovery? Call our inpatient rehab today to find out more about our individualized approach to treating morphine dependency.

Factors Affecting The Morphine Stays in Your System

Several factors can influence how long does morphine stay in your system.

  • Age

Morphine, like any other drug, is processed and eliminated from the body at a slower rate as you age. Morphine will take longer to clear the body, especially in the older individuals since the liver and kidney functions are not as efficient as in the young individuals.

  • Weight

The duration of time that morphine stays in your system may also vary depending on your body weight. Obese individuals may take longer to clear morphine from their systems because the drug can be deposited in fat cells and hence take longer to be metabolized.

  • Liver Function

The liver is another organ that has been found to be involved in metabolizing morphine. If you have liver problems or liver disease, your liver may take more time to metabolize and excrete the drug out of your body, thus staying in your system for longer hours.

  • Overall Health

Morphine is metabolized in the body based on the general health of the individual. Metabolic disorders or diseases may slow down the rate at which morphine is metabolized and expelled from the body and thus, require close supervision during the rehabilitation process.

  • Metabolism

Your metabolic rate determines how fast morphine is metabolized and eliminated from your body. The drug will be retained in the body longer in individuals with a slow metabolism than in those with fast metabolism because metabolism affects the rate at which the drug is cleared from the body.

  • Frequency of Use

If you have been taking morphine frequently or for an extended period, the drug builds up in your system, which makes it remain in your system longer than usual. Long-term use can also complicate the ability to estimate the amount of time the drug will be present in your system.

Suffering from morphine withdrawal symptoms? We have a professional and highly qualified staff to assist you in the process of healing. Call us now to speak with a caring staff who will maintain your confidentiality and offer you with the best personalized inpatient rehab interventions.

Why is it Important to Know How Long Morphine Stays in Your System?

  • Empowerment for Health and Rehabilitation

Knowing how long does morphine stay in your system is not just about a drug test but a lot more. It is about regaining control over your health and being an active participant in your recovery process. This knowledge will enable you to control the manifestation of the physical and psychological aspects of addiction.

  • Managing Withdrawal Symptoms

Some of the withdrawal symptoms that are associated with morphine addiction can be quite difficult. With this information, you will be aware of the time that morphine stays in your body and be ready for the symptoms that may last for longer hours. This knowledge is essential in order to avoid pain and avoid a relapse of the illness in the future.

  • Empowering Your Recovery Journey

Knowing how long does morphine stay in your system provides you with information that can help you make positive changes to your life in order to live a drug-free life. Regardless of whether you are thinking about detox or ongoing treatment, this aspect of your addiction is something that you need to know in order to be able to make the right decisions and change your life for the better.

Morphine should not be in control of your life any longer. Call inpatient drug rehab today to begin your path to healing with the help of our compassionate rehab staff.


It is crucial to know how long does morphine stay in your system for effective health management, especially if you are planning for detoxification or looking for a rehabilitation program. As opioid addiction continues to impact millions of people worldwide, regaining control of recovery is crucial. If you are willing to end your morphine dependence, then you have come to the right place. Contact us today to start the process of improving your health and getting off of drugs.

Feeling the pangs of morphine withdrawal? We have a professional and highly qualified staff to help you through the process of healing. Give us a call today to get in touch with one of our compassionate staff and be provided with the details on how to qualify for inpatient rehab.

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